
A Traditional Witchcraft For People Who Dislike Gender, Sex and Reproductionz

This website is very much a work in progress, as is the tradition it describes.

Most glaringly, I've not decided which of the many test-names best fits the tradition, so I tend to use [Lostcraft/Landcrafting/Fencraft/Pendan Craft/British Traditional Animism] interchangeably.

Expect discrepancies and gaps. Hassle me for updates here.

Getting Started

Key Ideas

What is Fencraft? How is it different? Why should I follow?

The Powers

The Powers and the Great Court

Who do you worship? What spirits do you recognise?

Working with the Powers

How To Get What You Want Without Losing Any Fingers

An Incomplete List Of Powers We Recognise

Probably the fastest way to get the flavour of what we do.

Practices & Beliefs

Sun, Moon & Star

Our tradition starts with three columns of power.

Reading List

Books, films and music which express our core concepts better than my writing can.

High Days

What are the holy days of Fen craft? Do we get cake?

Rites and Rituals

Coming soon, but basically the answer is "do whatever pretty much"

Further writing

Extra articles fleshing out some of my ideas.


The (very short) History Of Pendan Craft

What books, paths, and ideas influenced the development of this path?

Some Thoughts About Gender

Fencraft was designed to avoid gender imagery; so unsurprisingly I have All The Thoughts About Gender.

Other Faiths

Are you Wiccan? Are you Satanist? Are you Christian? And other questions.

Infrequently Asked Questions

Everything else I couldn't fit on the other pages.


Resources for the old craft, and inclusivity ideas
Haptalaon is responsible for this mess. Send feedback to haptalaon.dreamwidth.org.